Monday, April 15, 2013

Finger Pai... Hey.. Wait a Minute!

Yes, that's exactly what happened. I love Pinterest, always finding cool ideas and crafty things to do for and with the little guy. And the theme of the night was Mothers Day. (cuz grandmas like presents too) I have this cute idea/keepsake/cheesy thing to be cherished forever in mind. And as usual I got completely sidetracked by what my "followed" friends were doing. (sounds a bit stalkerish huh?)

Well.. one friend in particular who I shall not name... hit me hard in the heart. She made me look at a relationship I've had... and question my own sanity. Without going into much detail... I saved a few posts.

How much time do we have to waste? And how many heartbreaks must we go thru? Why do we break ourselves down for someone just looking to build themselves up (usually by stepping all over us)
Me? Guilty.
And full of excuses why...
For my child, because you never give up, because...
Because eventually, we'll run out of excuses and respect ourselves in the mirror again.
Me and my mirror need to get reacquainted.

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